Common Causes of Mold and Its Prevention

What is Mold?

Mold is a microscopic organism that grows and thrives in moist environments. Mold occurs naturally in areas where other oxygen-dependent microorganisms thrive. Mold plays an integral part in the decomposition process and enrichment of the soil. Typically, mold starts to grow on fallen trees or leaves in little light and plenty of air.

Mold in Houses

As winter arrives and the air becomes colder, your house becomes more vulnerable to mold growth. Building defects, wet elements, or condensation play a significant role in mold development inside houses. Once dampness stays for some time, mold starts to grow on walls, furniture, and even clothes. Mold removal becomes necessary as it starts to harm the air and environment for the residents. Molds can survive in the dark and enclosed areas very easily and remain undetected for a long time. Too much mold can have effects on health and needs prompt action for removal and eradication. If you feel like having allergies or breathing problems, you might have mold growing somewhere in your house.

Here are a few factors that cause mold to grow and spread in your house:

  • Humidity

If the weather stays humid for too long, then you may notice the presence of mold in your home. You can see mould on walls, benches, and other surfaces during the rainy season or wet air. Mold growth is a recurring problem for people living in humid areas like a coast or near a large water body. Mold removal becomes a constant problem for people in such places, as eradication does not happen with ordinary cleaners. Professional cleaners have the means and resources to take care of the growing mould. Sometimes, the air becomes wet due to moisture evaporation, thereby increasing the chance of mould growth. Not only humidity supports mould growth, but it also creates puddles of water and damp materials to spread its development.

  • Leaks in Pipes or Roofs

Most of the time, mold removal experts detect a leak in roof or plumbing as the primary cause for mold growth. Leaks in pipes are a common cause, and they remain hidden from view as they stay inside the walls. Constant leakage causes the dampness to form and, in turn, gives rise to mold growth. Similarly, leaks in roof shingles or flashing cause the build-up of small water puddles in which mold develops. Checking the roof regularly for leaks and keep a lookout for water stains is the right thing to do. If you see any signs of water presence or dampness on walls, have professionals check for leakage in the roof or plumb lines. If neglected, they can eventually cause damage to structural integrity and foundations.

  • Condensation

Condensation caused by insufficient ventilation or insulation in homes becomes a major source of mold growth. Cold surfaces can also create condensation in homes. The condensation prevents the moisture from evaporating, and that body of water remains on the surface. Staying for too long creates small pockets of water where mold thrives. Mold removal experts emphasis having proper ventilation and insulation to prevent condensation from happening again. Especially in rooms like kitchens and bathrooms, where steam is present, adequate ventilation is necessary. Maintain a good passage of heat and air inside homes to avoid condensation.

  • Stagnant Water Areas

Areas like fountains, damp basements, or wet clothes become a breeding ground for molds. Stagnant water bodies release moisture in the air that can lead to mould growth. For instance, if you leave wet clothes hanging out for a day, they may end up fostering mold. Similarly, regularly check garden fountains as they run for a short amount of time and remain off most of the day. Have an adequate measure to dry your clothes or avoid water build-up in your yards. Effective mold removal requires people to take a few steps by themselves before professionals step in to help.

Prevention of Mold Growth

The mold needs adequate conditions like moisture and organic surface to feed and grow. Mold removal means cutting their potential supply lines to prevent them from growing again. Wood, drywall, or other building material becomes a food source for molds. Eradication of mold happens when professional removers take care of moisture and cut food sources. Homeowners can prevent the presence of mold in a few easy ways, including:

  • Prevention of moisture in homes, as mold needs 24-48 hours of moisture to grow. Check for any wet surface and remove the moisture to prevent mold growth
  • Identify water leaks in plumb lines or roofs and call concerned professionals to take care of the issues. Notice if the walls have some moisture present or water stains on ceilings that indicate there is some leakage present
  • Limit the drying of clothes indoors or use proper ventilation means to prevent the moisture from spreading
  • After using the kitchen or bathroom, have an exhaust fan or similar machine to dry the air or remove moisture
  • Call in professionals for mold removal

Final Word

The presence of mold inside your home is an uncomfortable experience and not to mention, very harmful. Mold removal is a process that needs careful consideration and commitment. Professionals like Complete Property Restore have the means and resources to clear the presence of mold and prevent it from happening. However, once removed, homeowners need to caution the causes to prevent it from growing. The reasons mentioned above give homeowners some knowledge regarding molds’ indication, and they can call professionals detected.

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We’re specialists in asbestos and mould removal, Basement, kitchen and bathroom rennovations!